Re: [AD] Patch to thanks._tx and demo.c

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> Unfortunately, the solution proposed by Grzegorz doesn't work, unless we 
> edit demo.dat and update TITLE_FONT.  The TITLE_FONT in demo.dat (dated 
> 2004.10.03) provides meaningful glyphs only for the 7-bit ASCII 
> characters (even though it has 224 glyphs, all glyphs for 8-bit 
> characters are blank). If this font were complete, the solution proposed 
> by Grzegorz would work fine (I've tested it, replacing TITLE_FONT by 
> END_FONT and the accented characters were displayed fine).
> After greping thanks._tx I've found only 3 accented characters. Allegro 
> has many contributors, a lot of them are foreigners. It seems to me to 
> be unlikely that out of 231+ contributors only 3 have names with 
> accented characters. So I think we should drop these accents (by the 
> way, many foreign authors might have their names written in thanks._tx 
> with accented characters reduced to their 7-bit equivalents). I'm 
> sending a patch to thanks._tx, against the last weekly CVS snapshot.

Thanks! This is fine with me, although if someone prefers editing the 
demo.dat TITLE font I think that would be better. I'll wait until thursday 
noonish (GMT) before I apply your patch.

> P.S: Let me know when Allegro 4.2 beta will be released. I'll have time 
> to test it's DJGPP version on weekends.

It should be out on April the first. That's before the weekend, but I don't 
think anything was broken recently. I'll install MinGW in Windows and see 
if that works as it should. Since my Windows is Windows XP 64 bit trial 
edition, running DJGPP is probably a bit more problematic though...


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