Re: [AD] Miscelaneous issues

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> Just out of interest, has the issue of intermittent freezes on
> multi-processor Windows machines in fullscreen mode been looked into? I
> know this was an issue back in WIP 4.1.11 (or was it 4.1.9?). I vaguely
> seem to recall someone else saying that it had something to do with the
> mouse, and am wondering if the recent changes to the mouse-code are
> likely to help.

Probably not, since there is no hardware cursor available in Windows
fullscreen. Allegro now works fine (or did when I last tested it) on
multiprocessor machines in Linux, but changes that made that possible are
probably in the platform specific portions of the library.

> I'll volonteer, but it is unlikely I can get it done by the release of
> the first beta.

Ok. I'd have prefered it to be in the beta, but if it's after, so be it!

> PS. In the Authours file, could you please change my e-mail address to:
> ae-a-alleg
> wacko
> wackonet
> ten
> (reverse the contents of the last line, conactenate the lines with an @
> for the first concatenation and a . for the next two concatenations.
> Note that this is a different e-mail from the one I use to post to this
> list.)

Geez, you're really paranoid about your e-mail address coming `out there',
aren't you? :)


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