Re: [AD] keyconf

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[Sent this 18 hours ago from windows - resending now since apparently it
got not through:]

Ok, attached is the (hopefully) final patch, which I'm going to apply
in the next days unless someone detects a major flaw. We eventually
had to get rid of pckeys.c for windows, so why not already
for 4.2.0. So far, I can see no regression here.

The changes since the last patch:
- scancode_to_name displays localized key names
- modifier keys don't produce keypresses with readkey() anymore
- pause key works again in the allegro way
- numpad block keys are always detected correctly, no matter what the
current NUM state
- ctrl-alt-end uses abort instead of ExitProcess, since the former
would leave an invisible window running in the back (also with current

> Or just put it in so we can keep it in a compilable state, if it's
> likely that we might need it some day.

Yes, I was meaning to - but after writing the above fixes I'm longing
now to get back into linux :) I'll put it into 4.3.x though as alternate
driver when I find the time.

Elias Pschernig

Attachment: wkeybd4.diff.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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