Re: [AD] Allegro generalization/extension mechanism

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I'm not saying that the whole thing must be distributed separately..
release it like "allegro-project-4.3.x" which contains "allegro-base"
and "allegro-impl" and "allegro-stdext" ... if you like.. but within
that, make sure that "everything is present". All I'm saying is that,
make it "modular". It's easier to maintain Alegro that way...

On Mon, 14 Mar 2005 23:34:32 +0100, Elias Pschernig
<elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> My idea would be to make it as modular as possible, but have a
> distribution which includes some addons. Or maybe 2 distributions -
> one of about the size of the current lib, which would include just a
> few absolutely necessary addons, like loadpng or alleggl. And another
> huge distribution which would then also contain things like networking
> or collision detection.
> But the core Allegro would be much smaller than the current even, no
> GUI or software 3d or drawing primitives. All would be in addons, so
> the core itself as well as the addons would be small, simple, and easy
> to maintain. It would be more of an internal structure though.. users
> who download the distributions wouldn't even notice.. but they would
> benefit since they could e.g. update single addons before the next
> release of one of the big distributions. I just feel it is the
> cleanest way, no need to have the libpng source uploaded into the CVS
> repository, when including the latest libpng in the user distribution
> is enough.
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