Re: [AD] Building Allegro for MSVC using the latest Cygwin is broken

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Evert Glebbeek a écrit :
> On Monday 07 March 2005 22:36, Wackonet Mailbag Default account wrote:
> > Is runner.exe only used to invoke the compiler-specific executables, or
> > is it used to invoke some DOS commands as well?
> I'm not sure. I think it is only needed as a wrapper around the MSVC
> commandline compiler, but the reason it's needed escapes me at the moment.

From src/misc/runner.c:

 *    Silly little bodge for getting GNU make to pass long commands
 *    to broken programs like the Microsoft and Watcom linkers. This
 *    tool is built with gcc, and invoked using GNU make. It echoes
 *    the arguments into a temporary file, and then passes that as a 
 *    script to the utility in question.

Basically, under DOS/Windows the command line is limited to 126 chars. GCC 
compiled programs have a way to bypass that, but it only works between 

> I think runner is only used for MSVC. I'm not completely sure about the
> Watcom and BCC ports though.

A quick grep suggests it's used with MSVC and watcom.

Julien Cugnière

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