Re: [AD] make failing on mkdir

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It did indeed work on 3.80. If the solution ends up being to tell
people to upgrade, then it should be made painfully clear to the
person installing Allegro. (The first impression will be "Allegro's
broken.") A lot of people probably just have MinGW's make so that they
can build Allegro for MSVC, so they won't necessarily be keeping it up
to date.

If it is known that you must have 3.80 to build (install) Allegro,
then it would be nice if the make process could detect that and tell
the user.

Matthew Leverton

> The current version for MinGW is 3.80 and was released on 2003-06-19. IMHO,
> forcing people to upgrade is an acceptable solution.
> --
> Daniel Schlyder

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