Re: [AD] 'generic-uninstall' patch

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Elias Pschernig:
> I see. Probably it's specific to mingw make, and it makes sense to work
> around it. I'm just not sure I should apply it without testing myself,
> or hearing from someone else that it fixes the problem.

Yeah, it would be nice if someone tested it. I guess noone has noticed the
bug since it doesn't cause any real problems (it only leaves behind two
empty dirs, after all). Maybe I should create a SourceForge issue so it's
not forgotten about, then we can review it if someone else reports the bug
in the future?

BTW, I forgot to explain the first part of the patch. The wildcard call
there also don't use wildcard characters, but by not using ':=' it will use
the main shell process instead of spawning its own, and that also works.
That's my theory, anyway. :)

Daniel Schlyder

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