Re: [AD] 'generic-uninstall' patch

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On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 22:18 +0100, Daniel Schlyder wrote:
> Elias Pschernig:
> > Did anyone try this in windows? Why is that error message printed at
> > all with the current makefile, and why not anymore with the patch?
> My theory is that MinGW Make's wildcard function fails to unmark path as
> used if it doesn't contain wildcard character. That is why 'rd' fails to
> delete 'allegro' and 'allegro/platform' dirs, which you can see are the ones
> where argument contains paths without wildcard.
> Maybe it would be more appropriate to file a Make bug report.

I see. Probably it's specific to mingw make, and it makes sense to work
around it. I'm just not sure I should apply it without testing myself,
or hearing from someone else that it fixes the problem.

Elias Pschernig

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