Re: [AD] Documentation/tutorial

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On Friday 01 October 2004 23:07, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> Yes. But look at the situation now.. Vivace seems to be the most
> popular tutorial even though it wasn't updated since, well, forever.
> Having an up-to-date tutorial for the version of Allegro you
> downloaded it with would be a big plus.

Yes. I also think that proper documentation should be more than just a 
reference, although that should certainly be there.

> > IMHO. We've already got examples that clearly show how different parts
> > of Allegro work.

Yes, but sometimes reading from a tutorial is better than just copying code 
from an example.

> Yes, I agree with that last sentence - the examples and the current
> documentation have a lot of overlap with Vivace. Vivace also comes
> with its own example program(s) if I remember right. Maybe we should
> go for a shorter tutorial, or strip down Vivace somewhat if it gets
> included.

I would go with striping down Vivace to fit in with the docs.

> There need not be detailed explanation of functions which
> are already documented, or a description of how the grabber works.

Indeed not. Those can easily be cross-referenced. However, it would be good 
to make sure that the information is as easily accesible as it is in 

> Something which would be ideal would be if the
> included tutorial could just describe the demo game step by step. But
> that would mean a better demo game (code-wise) :P

I think we could do with a new demo game, not nescessarily replacing the 
old one, but sitting alongside it. This is a daunting task in itself 
though, and one I don't really feel equipped to do. Maybe we can hold a 
contest on write a new demo game that shows a proper, clean 
way to use many of Allegro's features and that can easily be broken down 
into several components.

> Anyway, this should be up to whoever volunteers to include a tutorial.

Once it has been included, it would be come a normal part of teh 
documentation, wouldn't it? It would mostly change when the API changes, 
and for that the reference might point to the proper section of the 
I guess we should ask George Foot if he objects to Vivace being modified 
and fit into Allegro's docs. I don't think he would, but it is his, 


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