Re: [AD] About the hierarchy of SourceForge's users

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On Saturday 16 October 2004 04:51, Peter Wang wrote:
> >I think you have been doing the work of an admin since the day you were 
> >promoted (and even before) by maintaining the Web site, the mailing 
> >going over all the documentation, fixing bugs in the code left and right 
> >so on.
> >  
> >
> Exactly.  Thank you for all your work, Grzegorz.

Absolutely. Also, I think an administrator isn't nescessarily someone who 
directly oversees code, but can also be someone who just looks at things 
from a higher level and looks at overall consistency. Looks to me that 
that is what you do.

> >I guess I should be downgraded, not you. And, of course, ideally the 
number of 
> >maintainers should remain roughly the same.
> >  
> Eric, in my mind you still have veto over 4.2.x.  Somehow that implies 
> you should have admin status, but if you really want to leave me all 
> alone on that list... sigh.

I agree - like it or not Eric, you're still our elected dictator and we 
don't want you to quit ;)

> Oh, and Elias and Evert should both be promoted.

I agree - if you're going to promote me, you certainly should promote 


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