Re: [AD] Fwd: fourth mouse button under windows

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:

The original message was discussed in April 2003. At the time, I don't think there was a clear concensus on what to do. Eric didn't like the original idea much, but I don't think the patch was really accepted or rejected. I think it was sortof forgotten about.

I have no strong personal objections to adding support for a fourth mouse button if one is detected, except that I find it hard to justify not supporting a fifth button, or even more.


For reference, the original thread is archived here:

I still think what I thought then: just expose the fourth, fifth, etc. button to the user and let him decide how to use it. Everyone knows very few mice have 4 or 5 buttons, so if their program relies on them then their program won't be usable on many systems.

There is the issue of things like MOUSE_FLAG_{LEFT,RIGHT,MIDDLE}_{DOWN,UP} but it's probably okay to make fourth and fifth buttons into second-class citizens which don't have such associated flags.


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