Re: [AD] New gfx api

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Peter Wang wrote:
To me, it just seems polling is generalized event handling in a wrapper function.

I don't understand what you mean.  Surely event queues are more general?

I mean the programs they're used in. A event queue must be iterated through, whether it's done a specific way for a program, or a general way by the lib. A program can do special things when it empties the queue itself (like say, do a special action if it detects a certain event), though I think the losses of not having Allegro handle it for you (ease of use) is a bigger concern.

Note that al_key_down() could be an inline function, and that it operates on AL_KBDSTATEs. AL_KBDSTATEs are only updated when al_get_keyboard_state() is called (an 8-byte copy, with thread synchronisation around it).

So.. polling. :)

- Kitty Cat

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