Re: [AD] m4 macro for allegro

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Jon Rafkind wrote:

Peter Wang wrote:

Evert Glebbeek wrote:

They should be installed along with alsa and such, shouldn't they?

Yes, but I might not have the "and such" installed on my system. For the small number of backends we support, it's probably not a problem.

I dont know what you mean by "and such", extra libraries maybe?


The user installing Allegro doesnt need the m4 macros to build it. They are only needed to build configure. If the user only has, then they would need the macros installed to run autoconf.

Exactly. There are two kinds of people this affects: (1) the guy making the Allegro distribution for mass consumption (formerly known as 'Eric'), and (2) the guy checking out a copy from CVS.

It's probably okay to require all the optional libraries to be installed on guy (1)'s system, at least while the number of optional libraries is small. It's less okay for guy (2), if you want to encourage him to try out CVS versions.


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