Re: [AD] Sound API

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On May 16, 2004 07:37 pm, Ben Davis wrote:
> On Sunday 16 May 2004 18:44, Ben Davis wrote:
> > Just out of interest, what volume bug are we talking about here? I was
> > using set_volume_per_voice(0), so it should have played at full volume
> > already; it did for me.
> I just found out I was wrong. It turns out my game uses
> set_volume_per_voice(1), and, accordingly, the music plays (with the old
> mixer) at half the volume XMMS plays it at.
> Tom, did you say it was louder with the new mixer? If so, that would mean
> set_volume_per_voice() does nothing now. Is that the case?

I _think_ so.


Thomas Fjellstrom

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