Re: [AD] MacOS X dynamic linking and enduser package |
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On 2004-04-10, Angelo Mottola <a.mottola@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> So I've changed the script a bit and applied changes to CVS. Now it
> should work remotely... let me know if the problem persists!
There is still a worrying find error:
gradha@xxxxxxxxxx$ misc/ .
Checking version number
Setting up package structure
Creating package
find: invalid predicate `-delete'
reading ./misc/pkgreadme._tx
writing allegro-enduser-4.1.14.pkg/Contents/Resources/ReadMe.rtf
Creating compressed disk image
created: temp.dmg
Initialized /dev/rdisk1 as a 4 MB HFS Plus volume
reading ./misc/pkgreadme._tx
writing temp_volume/readme.txt
reading ./docs/src/changes._tx
writing temp_volume/CHANGES
reading ./docs/src/thanks._tx
writing temp_volume/AUTHORS
reading ./docs/src/thanks._tx
writing temp_volume/THANKS
hdiutil: detach: "disk1" detached successfully.
Preparing imaging engine...
Reading Apple_HFS (0)...
(CRC32 $ADB7968C: Apple_HFS (0))
Terminating imaging engine...
Adding resources...
Elapsed Time: 921.534ms
(2 tasks, weight 100)
File size: 423060 bytes, Checksum: CRC32 $9D4114C6
Sectors processed: 8192, 1953 compressed
Speed: 1.0Mbytes/sec
Savings: 89.9%
created: allegro-enduser-4.1.14.dmg
Compressing image
Other than that you can verify the generated package at: