Re: [AD] Indentation

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Karthik Kumar V wrote:

Is there much ado about this subject or what? I don't see any reason why it can be expected that everybody is comfortable with a common style of coding.

So why not make it easier, by applying indent, with profiles? Whomsoever chooses the style he/she is most convenient with, can customize the
source to their preferences.

BTW It makes sense to keep tabs for most indenting, than spaces. This is because, the tab sizes can be specified later, and converted into spaces, later, according to what people prefer. I'm sure many people may not agree with me, but I feel that it makes things easier while coverting it later to spaces. (Even sed can do the conversion part!!)

That's about it. :)

I usually don't like tabs, because you can't pick what size you want to view them at. Take the case of continutation indent, where the author's tab size is 8:

T------>myLongFunctionCall( parameter1, parameter2, parameter3,
T------>T------>T------>    parameter4, parameter5, parameter6 );

Now on my machine, let's say I set tabsize to 2:
T>myLongFunctionCall( parameter1, parameter2, parameter3,
T>T>T>    parameter4, parameter5, parameter6 );

The parameters don't line up any longer. When using spaces, you are guaranteed the code is viewed as intended, no matter what the editor's settings. There are some other cases like the above where the tab method breaks down.

What's worse with tabs is that since the tab size is fixed, you have to use a mix of tabs and spaces. You'll have multiple people who will replace tabs with spaces, and it looks right on their machine, so they think it is all right.

T-->    otherFunc();

And when viewed on my machine with tab size 2, I see
T>    otherFunc();

And believe it or not I see this case constantly, in horrible cases involving nested loops and braces where one person added a line with spaces.

So you are forced to have every person on the project use the same tab size, defeating the point of tabs.

Of course, saying you are supposed to use spaces has the same problem, except that it is usually less prone to set the editor to use only spaces (replacing tabs w/spaces) rather than set the tab size and some people mix tabs and spaces. And you know it will work for viewing in all other editors w/o configuration.

However on my current project at work, everyone seems dead-set on tabs, and I allowed it only because our editor supports "smart tabs" which gets rid of the continuation indent problem (much more common in Java than C). What it does is use tabs up to the indentation point, then spaces thereafter:

T------>myLongFunctionCall( parameter1, parameter2, parameter3,
T------>                    parameter4, parameter5, parameter6 );

This way I can set my tab size to whatever I want and it is viewed properly. The only problem is that still some team members refuse to use the auto-indenting features of the editor and still mix tabs/spaces or put tabs in the continuation indent, however rerunning the auto-indenting feature in our editor is easy.

No way is perfect, mostly because people refuse to follow standards or are just too lazy to care. But I choose the smart tabs method, because if implemented by everyone, it has the benefit of choosing indent size with tabs and the space reduction, but the formatting capability of spaces.


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