Re: [AD] GIF patent / support

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> GIF patent has expired in USA on 2003/06/23, and has expired
> or is going to expire in other country within the year.
> (Canada may be the latest, I am not sure, on 2004/07/07).

There's various gif addons floating around already, but since gif is an
animation format, they all differ a bit. I've got one here which returns
its own GIF_ANIMATION struct, which includes a series of GIF_FRAME
structs. (And all the file format *addons* are addons.. so the official
Allegro distribution isn't affected by them.)

Sorry if I was unclear. I know that several addons for Allegro
embed GIF support. I was just wondering if it could be added to
the official distribution (like BMP, PCX, TGA, etc.).

That would be useful for the average user (PCX is quite outdated
now, but it is the only format of the 3 with a fair compression
ratio for paletted images. GIF would suit better).

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