Re: [AD] CVS Issues

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Charles Wardlaw wrote:

> I've been having a hell of a time with the CVS server, and I was hoping
> someone would be able to shed some light.  I have the login / update as
> two lines in a shell script, and when I run it I get this message:
> cvs [login aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages if
> any)
> cvs [update aborted]: end of file from server (consult above messages
> if any)


> Anybody else having this issue?

Yes, I ran into it as well. I also thought it was my firewall, but
turning it off didn't help. Strangely, from another machine (connected
to surfnet, a MUCH faster link) it worked without problems. Then I
noticed that occasionaly it does work from home, so indeed it seems
random. Searching for the error message on Google led me to an
announcement from sourceforge that their pserver access is overloaded
and having trouble, which is probably what's causing the problems.

They said that developer access through ssh is not affected. I do hope
they fix it soon, because it's rather annoying to have random access
to sourceforge.

Hein Zelle

 Unix is user friendly. It's just very particular about who 
 it's friends are.

 Hein Zelle                     hein@xxxxxxxxxx

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