Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2 todos

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Vincent Penquerc'h wrote:
 > make Allegro's random function public, which defeats the
 > purpouse of trying
 > to make it private.

Well, let's make it public then :)
Good and bad LCGs:

Ugh - i see the address of the university i'm studying at in there. So much to trying not to think of all the uni work I should do, by reading Allegro mails :) I actually talked to the guy whose site this is once, never took one of his courses though - and consequently know nothing about RNGs.. :)

Anyway, as I stated earlier, I'd like to see an RNG inside Allegro, no matter if good or bad - the list of "bad" RNGs shows that it doesn't really matter in most applications (even maths packages have those "bad" RNGs apparently), and even less in Allegro games.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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