[AD] GUI - d_ctext_proc, file_select_ex, gui_textout_ex

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Here's a couple more issues I noticed while trying to create my GUI (now with 
a single dialog on screen at once, taking up the whole screen).

d_ctext_proc() is not properly redrawn when it is told to redraw (MSG_DRAW or 
if another object returns D_REDRAW) when the mouse pointer is over it.  This 
is caused by the text using the horizontal origin point as the center 
location, yet the scare_mouse_area() code (kludge to reduce mouse pointer flicker?) 
relies on the entire viewable area of the object to be >= the horizontal origin; 
so text drawn to the left of the origin point is not properly handled.

file_select_ex() uses a similar function that has the same problem.

Additionally, I was attempting to wrap d_text_proc() to automatically set the 
display size of the object on MSG_START to save me some hassle; in doing so, 
I realized that gui_textout_ex() is the only way to get the correct length for 
a d_text_proc(); and that it does not support non-default FONTs, even though 
d_text_proc() does.  It requires a kludge to swap the non-default font in as 
default, do the call, and then swap it back.  d_text_proc() uses the same sort 
of code to do the drawing.

I believe there was another issue, but I can't recall it at the moment.

More later,
Charles Bilyué

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