Re: [AD] GUI - d_ctext_proc, file_select_ex, gui_textout_ex

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On Sun, 2003-06-15 at 03:13, Esaelon@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Here's a couple more issues I noticed while trying to create my GUI (now with 
> a single dialog on screen at once, taking up the whole screen).

Ah, the Allegro GUI, my favorite topic :)

> d_ctext_proc() is not properly redrawn when it is told to redraw (MSG_DRAW or 
> if another object returns D_REDRAW) when the mouse pointer is over it.  This 
> is caused by the text using the horizontal origin point as the center 
> location, yet the scare_mouse_area() code (kludge to reduce mouse pointer flicker?) 
> relies on the entire viewable area of the object to be >= the horizontal origin; 
> so text drawn to the left of the origin point is not properly handled.

You have to set the d->x,y,w,h so it includes the complete text. To be
clear: If your text is 100 pixels wide and 10 pixels high, and you want
the top/center point to be at 300,300, your x,y,w,h would be this:
250,300,100,10. Just found this out right now by looking at the
d_ctext_proc code in guiproc.c btw., the docs are wrong about it.
Does this fix the problem?

> file_select_ex() uses a similar function that has the same problem.

Probably the functions with c_text in their name, they just set their
with and height to 1. This should be changed I guess.

> Additionally, I was attempting to wrap d_text_proc() to automatically set the 
> display size of the object on MSG_START to save me some hassle; in doing so, 
> I realized that gui_textout_ex() is the only way to get the correct length for 
> a d_text_proc(); and that it does not support non-default FONTs, even though 
> d_text_proc() does.  It requires a kludge to swap the non-default font in as 
> default, do the call, and then swap it back.  d_text_proc() uses the same sort 
> of code to do the drawing.

That's per design of the Allegro GUI. The docs tell that, to change the
font, you have to point the global 'font' pointer to your new font.
gui_textout_ex() is a GUI function, so it behaves the same.

> I believe there was another issue, but I can't recall it at the moment.

There's lots. Recently, someone reported that menus still block when you
hold the mouse button after exiting them - this should be fixed as

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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