RE: [AD] fourth mouse button under windows

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>I'm not very fond of it. I think that targetting a 3-button mouse
>may already
>be problematic for portability so a 4-button mouse... And I don't want to
>make our Mac fellows more ashamed :-)

Perhaps we should include support for 4-button mice but mention in the docs
that a good guideline for making use of mouse-button #4 (and for that
matter, buttons #3 and #2 and the mouse-wheel as well) is to always provide
an alternative.

Perhaps Allegro should provide built in support for alternatives to
mouse-button #'s greater than 1. On the Macs, I believe it is consistent
throughout most applications so the Mac port will just use the standard mac
keyboard-modifiers to emulate >1 button. On the PC, there is no standard
button-alternative for extra-buttons so the user could specify their own.
There could also be a built-in default so that apps on the PC would have a
consistent way of emulating button #'s >2 if no alternative was specified.
Having built in support for alternatives would mean the programmer would not
have to worry about adding support for mice with fewer buttons than theirs
(PC programmers sometimes make the mistake of assuming a mouse has to have
at least 2 buttons and forget about the possibility of porting to a Mac with
only 1 button).


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