Re: [AD] fourth mouse button under windows

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> Perhaps we should include support for 4-button mice but mention in the
> docs that a good guideline for making use of mouse-button #4 (and for that
> matter, buttons #3 and #2 and the mouse-wheel as well) is to always
> provide an alternative.

I think we would have to provide the alternative as a built-in Allegro 
feature (like for the 3rd button) if we ever decided to support the 4th 

> Perhaps Allegro should provide built in support for alternatives to
> mouse-button #'s greater than 1. On the Macs, I believe it is consistent
> throughout most applications so the Mac port will just use the standard
> mac keyboard-modifiers to emulate >1 button. On the PC, there is no
> standard button-alternative for extra-buttons so the user could specify
> their own. There could also be a built-in default so that apps on the PC
> would have a consistent way of emulating button #'s >2 if no alternative
> was specified.

I agree. We must provide built-in emulation of the buttons up to the number 
we support. Currently this number is 3 and we provide built-in emulation of 
the 3rd button on 2-button mouses.

The MacOS X port has just been merged in the CVS repository so I want it to 
stabilize a bit before we start modifying the core functionalities. But, 
honestly, I find this 4th mouse button dumb, to say the least. Why not put a 
whole keyboard on the mouse then?

Eric Botcazou

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