[AD] Colourspaces (was: RE: [AD] Faster hsv_to_rgb())

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>> I also have code that does RGB<->HLS colour-space conversion. HLS is
>> similar to HSV except the HSV colourspace is represented by a single
>> hex-cone whereas the HLS colourspace is represented by a double hex-cone.
>> That is, in HSV, when V is 1 and the Saturation is 1, the colours will be
>> at maximum intensity, whereas in HLS, the output will always be
>white if L
>> is 1, and the colours will be at their most colourful when L is 0.5 and S
>> is 1. Should I submit that as well?
>Is this HLS color-space in widespread use in the computer game world?

About as much as HSV.

Allegro is more than just a game library. It's graphics functions mean it
can be used as a general purpouse graphics lib. Colourspaces (HSV, HSL, RGB,
etc.) are an alternative means of representing colours. This is particularly
useful for some image-processing applications. Colourspaces can be used
creatively to make some cool special-effects and have great potential in

I've currently written the functions but they still need to be optimised. I
could also submit their documentation along with some documentation
explaining the concept of colour-spaces


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