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Some notes:
- I wasn't able to create the obj/macosx/alleg, obj/macosx/alld and
obj/macosx/allp directories; when trying to commit (after successfully
adding) tmpfile.txt to these directories to create them, I get the error:
cvs server: failed to create lock directory for
(/cvsroot/alleg/allegro/obj/macosx/alld/#cvs.lock): No such file or
cvs server: lock failed - giving up
cvs [server aborted]: lock failed - giving up
- I noticed there's no "Attic/" directory created under the new port
directories (seen from the SF CVS browser)... What is that for, and is it ok
not to have it?
- No mention of the OSX support in the docs yet
- The demo program claims it can't find the readme.txt file in the bottom
scroller. I haven't investigated it, but IIRC it never happened before in
other ports... Does it happen under other OSes as well?
Angelo Mottola