Re: [AD] faq doc wrong.

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At 07:08 PM 9/04/2003 +0200, you wrote:
> but its the allegro FAQ that mentions containing text that is not
> there.

It was there at the time the FAQ entry was written. Now there are two
- they moved it to elsewhere: that's ok, we just have to find the new
location and add it the FAQ entry. But I hope they won't do that too often.
- they simply removed it: then it's a documentation bug, since the problem is
still present. We ought to send a bug report to the DJGPP folks.

> as djgpp developpers are a thrid party that change thier text anytime they
> please, is it wise to have allegro documents refer to it.

What do you propose? To remove the FAQ entry altogether?

just the 2nd paragraph that mentions the text file being in that zip.
maybe we should just include the text from that document, into the allegro FAQ.
i have never read this text file.. i do not know how big it is.
i'll try to track it down and if its only a line or two we could include it into the FAQ.

else... could we be more specific in the allegro FAQ.. by saying you can find it in    instead of

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