RE: [AD] keyboard recalcitrant under X

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Title: RE: [AD] keyboard recalcitrant under X

> So I have no problem with fr.cfg, and can indeed try
> switching it by myself
> :), but my question was wether every azerty user out there
> would need to
> create the same xkeymap mapping, or if it was somehow system

Yes, I do understand your point is not with Allegro's cfg file.
You mentionned testing, and the need for people to test it (I assumed
people with various different keyboard mappings), so my answer was
aimed at pointing that you can load any mapping on your own machine,
without regard to what your keyboard actually shows on the keys, so
you wouldn't need to find people with different mappings to test.

Or did I misundertand again ? :)

Vincent Penquerc'h

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