Re: [AD] keyboard recalcitrant under X |
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On Fri, 2003-03-14 at 21:54, Julien Cugniere wrote:
> But there's no X mapping shipped with allegro :) I only have the one I
> created, so I can't, and am anyway not interested in trying other ones. I'd
> just like to know if the one I created is needed by other people with azerty
> keyboards, in which case it would be good to make it part of allegro...
Actually, thinking some more about it, for the "normal" keys it should
always work. I.e. the A-key in azerty will always need the mapping to
KEY_Q, because fr.cfg tells to produce 'a' for KEY_Q.
Why I thought testing would be needed was mainly for special keys, most
importantly the ones which are used to generate special chars. But I'm
not sure anymore it would help much, because e.g. I can see no reason
why I have no XK_Alt_R on my keyboard (which would be expected by
Allegro), but instead XK_Mode_switch.. and chances are older/newer/other
X versions/linux distros have something else.
So, including an [xkeymap] section with the normal keys should
definitely work, and including the other keys wouldn't do much harm.
> But if it's too troublesome I'll just leave things the way they are now...
I would give it a try myself, but I'm afraid I'd end up trying to get
some sort of autodetection to work and then would run out of time to
finish it :)
Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>