Re: [AD] Small FAQ update

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On Sun, Oct 06, 2002 at 12:50:53PM -0400, Robert Ohannessian wrote:
> What is this @ignore_css switch? Why do we need it? Please let Netscape 
> 4 rest in piece.

The @ignore_css switch is at the top of allegro._tx. We need it because
there are few browsers supporting css, and less doing it correctly.
I don't use netscape, but I use text browsers, and css is useless
for them.  AFAIK the gtkhtml widget will be heavily used by gnome
editors/programs and IIRC that doesn't use css either.

> The problem I had with the previous color scheme was that your attention
> was attracted to the "see also" lines instead of the API or the docs. I
> just swapped colors around to try to balance this.

Fade all of them?

> Yes. I still think it would be a good idea to do that. What stopped us
> were people (sorry, I forgot who exactly) claiming that we should use
> standard DOMs and tools to parse them instead of plain XML.

Format first, tools later.

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