RE: [AD] DDraw7 support (and Allegro 5)

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Title: RE: [AD] DDraw7 support (and Allegro 5)

> #define AL_CONFIG_KEY_MIN     0
> #define AL_CONFIG_KEY_MAX     0

Don't forget:
#define AL_CONFIG_USER whatever
so users can define their own settings and still work if/when
AL_CONFIG_USER is bumped up in Allegro.

On to the idea itself: It looks fine, but I still think that this
kind of stunt should be reserved for options/config and obscure or
not often used things, or even internal stuff. Besides, I'm just
imagining all the work the system does in the background just to
call a single frigging function!
To me, it looks exactly like you found a shiny new hammer, and
want Allegro to be a nail. It's a fine idea by itself, but it does
not mean it should be overused.

Things I would like to see your config system used for:
- driver selection (gfx, input, etc)
- options relative to a specific driver (makes it easy to add drivers
   without touching too much the API)

Things I might be coerced in agreeing:
- selecting current font

Things I wouldn't like it at all to be used for:
- selecting the color to draw a primitive on
- selecting the bitmap to draw on

That's examples, of course, you get the idea.
Sorry to be annoying with this, but it's really frightening me...

Vincent Penquerc'h

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