RE: [AD] DDraw7 support (and Allegro 5)

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> > #define AL_CONFIG_KEY_MIN     0
> > #define AL_CONFIG_KEY_MAX     0
> Don't forget:
> #define AL_CONFIG_USER whatever
> so users can define their own settings and still work if/when
> AL_CONFIG_USER is bumped up in Allegro.

Sure. The user will have his own range of keys to use as he wishes to.

> On to the idea itself: It looks fine, but I still think that this
> kind of stunt should be reserved for options/config and obscure or
> not often used things, or even internal stuff. Besides, I'm just
> imagining all the work the system does in the background just to
> call a single frigging function!

I never intended these functions to be *abused*. You're talking about 
abusing them, and this has never been my intention. For how I see it, 
these functions will primarly be used for internal stuff and to 
configure driver specific settings that normally would need dedicated 
functions. An unified way to handle these like such a config system is 
meant to be, helps keeping things uniformed and guarantees ABI 
compatibility, as adding new drivers with dedicated settings only needs 
adding support for some new constants and their internal handler.
Of course no matter how fast these routines are, but they'd always be 
bottlenecks if used for example to select colors... No, dedicated 
functions *will* be used there, in good old Allegro tradition.
I just say let's use these config routines wisely - only where 
So I don't think you have to worry...

Angelo Mottola

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