[AD] Minor documentation changes

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I have a patch for two small changes in the documentation. One notes
that `allegro_init()' is a macro (in case anyone tries to take its
address); the other points out that you can use the unicode routines
before you call install_allegro().

diff -ru allegro/docs/src/allegro._tx allegro.new/docs/src/allegro._tx
--- allegro/docs/src/allegro._tx	Mon Dec  3 16:14:38 2001
+++ allegro.new/docs/src/allegro._tx	Tue Dec  4 12:09:52 2001
@@ -86,9 +86,11 @@
 information about how to install Allegro and link your program with it.
 @@int @install_allegro(int system_id, int *errno_ptr, int (*atexit_ptr)());
-@domain.hid allegro_init, allegro_exit
+@xref allegro_init, allegro_exit, set_uformat
    Initialises the Allegro library. You must call either this or 
-   allegro_init() before doing anything else. The available system ID codes 
+   allegro_init() before doing anything other than using the unicode 
+   routines. If you want to use a text mode other than UTF-8, you can set
+   it with set_uformat() before you call this. The available system ID codes 
    will vary from one platform to another, but you will almost always want 
    to pass SYSTEM_AUTODETECT. Alternatively, SYSTEM_NONE installs a stripped 
    down version of Allegro that won't even try to touch your hardware or do 
@@ -104,8 +106,8 @@
 @@int @allegro_init();
 @xref install_allegro, allegro_exit
-   Initialises the Allegro library. This is the same thing as calling 
-   install_allegro(SYSTEM_AUTODETECT, &errno, atexit).
+   Macro which initialises the Allegro library. This is the same thing as 
+   calling install_allegro(SYSTEM_AUTODETECT, &errno, atexit).
 @@void @allegro_exit();
 @xref install_allegro, allegro_init
@@ -354,6 +356,10 @@
 work with other codepages, you can do this by passing a character mapping 
 table to the set_ucodepage() function.
+Note that you can use the unicode routines before you call install_allegro() 
+or allegro_init(). If you want to work in a text mode other than UTF-8, it 
+is best to set it with set_uformat() just before you call these.
 @@void @set_uformat(int type);
 @xref get_uformat, register_uformat, set_ucodepage, set_uformat, uconvert
 @xref ustrsize, ugetc, ugetx, usetc, uwidth, ucwidth, uisok, uoffset
Bye for now,
Laurence Withers, lwithers@xxxxxxxxxx

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