Re: [AD] Renamed API second draft

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Bob <ohannessian@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> I'm affraid I don't follow. Do you mean to day that the current drawing mode 
>   applies to sprites too? Does draw_sprite() suffice for drawing a sprite 
> with this drawing mode? What abour compiled sprites, how does that work?

I need to refresh my Allegro knowledge.  Of course, drawing modes are
not supported by draw_sprite, so to keep current behaviour it would be
enough to just blit it.

> > BTW, maybe we should remove clipping at all?
> Creating a sub-bitmap involves at least one malloc(), which is pathetically 
> slow on some systems. Setting a few numbers isn't, so 'dynamic' clipping 
> will be a lot faster. There's also the issue of drawing a sprite partially 
> off screen, which is better done with clipping then creating and destroying 
> subbitmaps as needed.

Again, I thought that drawing functions test for both clipping and
bitmap size, but they only test for clipping values.  So, removing
clipping ranges would slow down things.

I should think better next time.

Michael Bukin

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