Re: [AD] destroy_bitmap after allegro_exit |
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On 10 Oct 2001, Vincent Penquerc'h <Vincent.Penquerch@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It makes sense to me to not call Allegro routines after Allegro
> was exited. It is not hard to do that. Static objects are evil
> anyway :)
I'd better explain that I'm binding Allegro to a Scheme compiler.
So it's not what you might be thinking, and it's not evil ;-)
> What could be done, however, is to not automatically setup Allegro
> to call allegro_exit in an atexit routine, and leave that to the
> programmer.
Yes, this is better than my idea.
Javier's suggestion about passing NULL for `atexit_ptr' to
`install_allegro' is good, but not backwards compatible. If
`atexit_ptr' is NULL `install_allegro' uses `atexit' by default
(although this is not documented).
But, of course, you can just pass a dummy `atexit' function.
Problem solved :-)