Re: [AD] official beta (Re namespace again)

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On October 29, 2001 08:55 pm, you wrote:
> In reply to Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> >I don't get why people keep saying that the wips are more stable than 3.*.
> Well, have you tried running 3.12 on Linux? :-)

That doesn't mean its more stable... Just more functional...

> >Every other commit or two there is a new bug added which does get fixed
> >but alot of the time some bugs get sucked into a WIP release...
> But how many bugs are there in 3.12?

Ive been using the wips most of the time.. But only because
I don't have dos or djgpp installed. ;)

There probably are a few. but at the moment the Allegro GUI
core dumps on me whenever I repeatedly (more than twice)
focus/un-focus dialog items. (latest CVS) Good thing its not been
released as a WIP yet :) But generally the WIPs have been fairly stable.
Except for those ugly bugs that slip through now and then, but thats what
the wip releases are for...

Thomas Fjellstrom

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