Re: [AD] Color convertors

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At 19:30 06/09/2001 +0200, you wrote:
Here are some results for the MMX code:

[Warning: tons of numbers !!!]

[tons of numbers snipped]

step0: original Isaac's code
step0->step1: added _align_ at jump points
step1->step2: register permutation
step2->step3: replaced incl %ebp        by  decl %ecx
                       cmpl %ebp, %ecx      jnz
                       jb ...
step3->step4: removed the three 'nop'
step4->step5: replaced '%ebp' by '%mm7'

It seems there are improvements only in step 1 and step 5, so why don't we apply only this modifications? Also, we should test it in other CPUs (yours is K6-3 isn't it?), afterall I wrote the code with the AMD optimization guide in my hands and a k6-2 (now I own a Duron)

Also, I think we should target the most towards "slow" CPUs (Pentium MMX, K6...) rather than P4 or athlons, because these won't have any problem in maintaining a playable fps

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