RE: [AD] The return of the ^M characters from hell. |
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Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz writes:
> This is not a holy war about what style is better: if the source was all
> in dos style, I would be then "The ^MKeeper". The problem is changing
> style between commits, which is bad because forces a whole
> file download.
It's a shame that CVS diff isn't smart enough to get this right.
The latest versions of diff/patch are quite good at it: I forget which
way around it was, but they made it deal with either applying DOS format
patches to Unix files, or Unix format patches to DOS files. Then I sent
in some changes to make it handle the opposite case as well, but I don't
know if those have been merged in and released yet.
Anyway, it was quite a trivial change to give patch an option to deal
with carriage returns sensibly, so I imagine wouldn't be too hard to
make CVS able to do the same thing. A fun little project the next time
someone gets bored, perhaps? :-)
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