Re: [AD] KEYS under Linux/X

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On 30 May 2001, Jörg Rüppel <sharky-x@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> just wanted to report that lots of special keys like TILDE and CTRL
> and some others are not recognized under Linux/X...

Do you have a locale set for X?  (I'm not sure what it's called)

Michael wrote this on AL in April:

There is a problem with X.  Keyboard handler gets keypresses as
keycodes.  Keycodes are different for different X-servers, so it is
impossible to say which key was pressed just by looking at keycodes.
Keyboard handler tries to build this keycode->key mapping by asking
for keycode->KeySym mapping from X-server.  Some KeySyms are
standardized, but the problem is that user may assign them to
different keys at will and localized keyboard may have no KeySyms
known to Allegro keyboard handler.

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