Re: [AD] Watcom Issues Responses

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>Javier -- you said that your iscanmmx is 14k... are you using PGCC?  And
where exactly does this PENTIUMONLY=1 flag need to be placed, with djgpp?

Standard DJGPP
i just do
that makes the library optimized (but only useable) for pentium

>Re: watcom and mmx: I don't know if 10.6 does have the support!  That's a
good question.  I've noticed that the allegro build for v11 doesn't even use
the wdisasm / sed / wasm hack that 10.6 does because it can read coff format
object modules natively.  Is this MMX code required to build the library?
Is there a flag or something I could add to switch the mmx routines to use
regular C or asm functions?

to use C functions there is ALLEGRO_USE_C=1
for example
will make allegro optimized for pentium and using C routines only
note C routines are a lot slower than ASM ones

about watcom, no idea at all
i've never used it

>Regardless, however, the problem seems to be with djgpp itself -- like I
said, the object I have is 284 bytes and your is 14k.
right, are you sure you have the latest version of all the files?

>Out of curiosity, is anyone else on the developers list actually building
allegro with Watcom aside from myself? =)
i think there was one... =)

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