Re: [AD] poly3d.diff - this time for real

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Ben Davis <ben@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here is the patch for poly3d and related files, ready to be committed. 

I'll commit it soon.  The controversial part seemed to be the
texture coordinate alignment, and AFAICS, that's resolved?

> This patch adds my name to the thanks._tx file. Was I supposed to do this?

It means less work for whoever's committing, so that's fine.  What
you probably *shouldn't* edit is `changes._tx', because that's
likely to conflict with someone else's work.

> Note that I have used forward slashes this time :-)


> Can someone commit this patch please? Also, rather than saying "It'll have
> to wait for someone who understands it", please e-mail me if you'd like me
> to explain how it works.

You'd have to start by teaching me 3d from scratch :-)

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