[AD] poly3d.diff - this time for real

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Here is the patch for poly3d and related files, ready to be committed. It
alters texture coordinate alignment so that integers refer to the top-left
corners of texels, and fixes the bug where polygons with two coincident
vertices (as can be produced by clip3d_f()) are not always drawn. It
clarifies the docs with regard to texture coordinates, and modifies the test
and the one example that uses textured polygons to include all the texels in
the texture bitmap. It also changes aintern.h to modify the function
prototypes and add one.

This patch adds my name to the thanks._tx file. Was I supposed to do this?
If not, by all means remove the part of the patch that modifies this file.

Note that I have used forward slashes this time :-)

This patch inserts a line of text in the same place that Angelo recently
inserted a nasty hack for BeOS. I e-mailed Angelo about it, and here is a
quote from the reply:

"Don't worry and submit your patch, without including my hack; I'll then get
the fresh new CVS version to check if it still works on BeOS, and I'll let
you know. If the hack is still needed, I can readd it without problems."

Hence the patch removes the hack.

Can someone commit this patch please? Also, rather than saying "It'll have
to wait for someone who understands it", please e-mail me if you'd like me
to explain how it works.


Ben Davis

Attachment: poly3d.diff
Description: Binary data

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