[AD] New macallegro again

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Title: New macallegro again
i am sending sources of mac port at

this sources compile under CVS copy of 25th
usualy i suggest an file replace to patch

i split readme.mpw in readme.mpw and fixmpw.sh (.sh the mac extension for script, like unix) a new file add macdrv.c which conteins all list drivers for mac, if everone want write better drives for mac. i make some formating adjust. some drivers fill our desc. the GFXDRIVER try use _request_freq, the mouse has 2nd emulated button (command key in keyboard, an like windows key), added some missed keys (KEY_7_PAD, KEY_6_PAD, KEY_ENTER_PAD,...) added suport to uppercase chars but not for !"#$.

to set DRIVER->desc string i use?:
1 - usprintf(desc, get_config_text("driver %dbpp"),desktop_depth);
2 - usprintf(desc, uconvert_ascii("driver %dbpp", tmp1),desktop_depth);

the keyboard driver should set key_shifts?

should use an config entry "emulate_two" like "emulate_three" for 2nd mouse button?

how i use _sound_freq or others _sound_xxxx to define the sound paramets, if i have an better config i can use, if i not have i fail?

Feliz natal (late..., in brazilian portuguese)


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