Re: [AD] Color depth selection in grabber

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On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Laurence Withers wrote:
> A solution would be to add a few options to allegro.cfg to specify the
> card, bpp, width and height that you get when GFX_SAFE is requested: for
> instance:
> gfx_safe_card = GFX_VESA2L
> gfx_safe_bpp = 32
> gfx_safe_w = 1024
> gfx_safe_h = 768
> would be my choice. This could be customisable by the setup utility.
> Does this make sense?

Yes. Just one thing, you don't need gfx_safe_card, since gfx_card is
already there, and GFX_SAFE should use that like GFX_AUTODETECT does (but
I haven't checked the sources for that).

 Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz   gradha@xxxxxxxxxx -
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