Re: [AD] Patch for alsa midi support.

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On Wed, Nov 08, 2000 at 04:02:26PM +1100, Peter Wang wrote:
> Since ALSA stands for Advanced Linux Sound Architecture, I'm not
> sure why it should even be in `unix' directory.  ualsamidi.c should
> probably be alsamidi.c, and ualsa.c should be alsa.c.  It probably
> isn't worth the effort to move them into `linux'.

AFAIK the `linux' directory is for console-specific code, `x' is
for X-specific code, and `unix' is for code which can be used in
either, even if it doesn't apply to all Unix types.  A bit like
`misc' but not shared to non-Unix platforms.

I agree with removing the `u' though, those prefixes are only
meant to be there when more than one platform uses the same name
(like dmouse/lmouse/xmouse/etc).

> [1] (what was I thinking? ...)

Unreferenced footnote?  Or is it a forward declaration? :)


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