Re: [AD] BeOS gfx

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Angelo Mottola <a.mottola@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > BTW, I wrote down a TODO list when I first posted the patch.  I can
> > send it to you privately if you want.
> I looked over my AD archive and I found your original post (on April, the 15th
> 2000), with the todo list. Thanks anyway!

I think there are some more in my BeOS partition-in-a-file.  I'll
send them when I bother to boot into Be.

> BTW, why didn't you finish the driver by yourself? Lack of time/interest or
> what? Just curious.

Time.  I've just finished year 12, so I'll get time to do stuff in
about three weeks (after final exams).

	Freeeeedom! :-)

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
BANDILE (BAN dyl), n.  The thin red strip one pulls to release a Band-Aid.
	-- Rich Hall, "Sniglets"

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