Re: [AD] BeOS gfx

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Angelo Mottola <a.mottola@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I've tried the patch by Peter Wang that adds a windowed BeOS driver; that was
> cool, and it looks almost finished, except for some things:
> - Speed: updating the whole window everytime a single pixel changes isn't
> smart...

It was only temporary :-)

> - Mouse cursor: I was unable to find a function in the BeBook to disable the
> cursor or to change its shape when moving on a window. It looks like the cursor
> is hardware driver, and if so, I think it would be better to warn Allegro about
> it, leaving cursor drawing up to BeOS (though we'll always be forced to use the
> hand as cursor)

I'm pretty sure it is possible to change the cursor, though I
vaguely remember having a hard time looking through the headers.
Try doing a recursive grep through the `include' directories.

> Peter, to fix the first point I've modified a little your driver... Now it
> updates only the changed rows inside the redrawer thread. But I don't
> understand the need of a thread here; why wasting CPU time running the thread
> code while we could update the window only when needed with a simple call?

I think I was just following the sample code in the BeBook.  If you
think it would improve performance to do it another way, go ahead,
although I'm pretty sure there would have been a good reason for me
to be messing around with threads.  I have a feeling CPU usage isn't
very high, since we do not have the function call overhead, and
because we are `snooze'ing.  Anyway, these are all guesses.

BTW, I wrote down a TODO list when I first posted the patch.  I can
send it to you privately if you want.

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
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