Re: [AD] Joystick driver for BeOS |
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Michael Bukin <M.A.Bukin@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > What about clearing only the visible portion of the video ram, and not the
> > whole video memory?
> I'll do this. Also I'll change DGA driver to make virtual screen as
> large as possible (now it is equal to requested virtual size, or
> screen size, if virtual size is 0 x 0).
Placed new version in CVS.
Regarding virtual screen size. Its calculation has changed between
revisions 1.1 and 1.2 or src/x/xwin.c. I don't remember who changed
it (maybe it was me?). If somebody can explain why it was changed, we
can make a workaround or configuration option to fix any problems
caused by making virtual screen as large as possible (or write comment
in the source why it can not be done).
Michael Bukin