Re: [AD] Board mixer ...

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Ivan Baldo wrote:

>         Hello.
>         Why reinvent the wheel?
>         Use aumix and be happy :-))) (or ALSA).

I don't have installed, is it friendly? or is just a command line stuff?

>         I think it is task of the operating system to control the sound
> preferences of its users.

:-)))))))))))))) so you'll let your OS to choose the Treble/Bass balance ;-)

> Changing the mixer settings in every
> application? Ouch! I don't want to use your editor and that it changes
> my settings for the mixer!

Stupid! [is my friend ;-)]
I'll give you a dialog to touch it! The editor won't change the values according
to the typing speed ;-)))

> Or having to configure the settings for the
> mixer in your editor,

I need it, I don't like command line to set up some stuff, specially when I need
*feed back* in real time. Also: GUI programs are outside the topic.

> or having to activate an option to say "don't touch my mixer".

What about the reverse ;-) [An option: save the settings for this song and restore
it when you choose it again.]

>         I don't want to sound "tough", but your idea seems insane to me. Just
> switch VC and adjust your mixer settings.

I don't have a tool for it and I guess a lot of users doesn't have it too. Of
course I can browse my Debian CDs and find a command line or GUI based program,
but they aren't what I need.

>         On the other side, it could be usefull for DOS (in order to not have to
> exit an application and then adjust mixer settings, then restart the
> application), but wouldn't that be difficult to implement correctly for
> most sound cards?

Why? Most machines running DOS uses SB compatible boards.

I'll add it to the editor anyways, my question is if this code can be incorporated
to Allegro. Why? simple: Allegro already detects the sound chip and touches some
of the registers. Having 2 sets of routines to achieve it doesn't have any sense.
About your Linux mixer gripe: the routines could be implemented opening the device
only when needed so it won't interfere.
Oh! BTW the uoss.c Allegro code already have a function that touches the mixer,
perhaps you'll consider avoiding the use of Allegro for URGS ;-) (just a joke)


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