[AD] Makefile - OSS - EINTR (+sample)

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Three patches:

Makefile now has install-gzipped-man target.
I suspect the makefile is somewhat generated though,
so you'll have to adapt. Patch is small, though

OSS init now requests supported sample sizes from
DSP if sound_bits is not set

Playing some more with my datafile loading code,
the one which died occasionally with EINTRs, I
found it to die to with EAGAINs.
What's strange is that when it does so in a read,
it returns a number that is the actual umber of
bytes that were requested. So I think libc handles
the retry but does not clear errno when it does so.

I also include a sample program that demonstrates
this: when moving the mouse, it dies after some
dozens loads. When the mouse does not move, it
goes for ages (at least more than 15 minutes). So
I guess the mouse interrupts the reads, which the
libc does again but forgets to reset errno.


Attachment: eintr-eagain.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: makefile.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: oss.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: tintr.c
Description: Binary data

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