[AD] DGA driver problems

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I recently purchased a Matrox Millenium G200 AGP and I came accross the
following problems with the DGA driver: (XFree86 3.3.5)
- the 32bit mode doesn't properly work, because the X server reports a
24bit mode and so cheats the DGA driver; I found a (dirty) way to solve
the problem in the XMMS sources.
- the 8bit mode doesn't work either, because the hardware colormap is
not updated by the server when a new color value is set.

I don't know if they are due to the Matrox-specific server or to the
very XFree86 implementation; in the latter case, I wrote a little patch.
Eric Botcazou (ebotcazou@xxxxxxxxxx)
Web site: http://www.multimania.com/ebotcazou

Attachment: dga-patch.diff
Description: Binary data

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